1·Serve the muffins dusted with paprika powder.
2·Feed grade paprika powder is obtained from saponified paprika oleoresin mixing with carrier. It is a kind of natural feed additives.
饲料级辣椒红粉末是由红辣椒中提取的辣椒红树脂经过皂化处理,再添加载体混合而成的一种纯天然饲料 添加剂。
3·Shred onion and green Onions. Chop the peeled ginger and garlic into small pieces. Combine them with cabbage in a plastic freezer bag. Add in sugar, chilli and paprika powder together with fish sauce.
4·I add about a teaspoon of each of the following: garlic powder, paprika, seasoning salt, and pepper.
5·The materials are paprika, cinnamon and chili powder (planet) and coffee and sugar (starfield) were sifted over the floor of my studio.
胡椒,肉桂和胡椒粉(这三样构成了星球)还 有咖啡和糖(星际),都筛在我摄影棚的地板上。
6·If you can't find smoked paprika, a little cayenne pepper or chilli powder would be lovely.
7·Mars - 12 pounds paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder and charcoal.
火星- 12磅辣椒粉,肉桂,肉豆蔻,辣椒粉和木炭。
8·Made out of 12 pounds paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder and charcoal.
9·Dark red powder, with characteristic paprika odor.